Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Birthday CoCo Bean!

On Saturday evening after a busy day of preparations, we had Chloe's 3rd birthday party. Her birthday was actually Monday, but because Lauren was making the cake and was in Montana last weekend, we had it this weekend. So many of our friends came, which made it so much fun! I love having people come over! In addition to the party, we also had a pasta feed because 5 of us at the party were running the next day and we needed to carbo-load. :) So, we had a pasta buffet, that was really yummy if I do say so myself! And Lauren's cake was a huge hit! Many people didn't even realize it was a cake and thought it was just a decoration. The kids had a blast playing outside - it turned out to be a beautiful sunny evening - and they ran around, blew some bubbles, colored with chalk, and ate lots of pasta and cake and ice cream. Chloe got so much cool stuff; she was very excited! She is very into princesses and horses right now so she is in heaven playing all of her new stuff. I think the party was a huge success and I hope everyone had a great time! Happy 3rd Birthday Chloe!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

Thanks for inviting Semele and I to Chloe's party. We had a great time!


IUgirl78 said...

Wow! What an awesome cake!! Happy birthday, Chloe!