Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Caiden!

Today is Caiden's 5th birthday! I can't believe he is so old. He's definitely not a baby anymore. I'm not sure where these 5 years went! He loves numbers and counting. He loves to count (by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s) and tell time. Preschool is one of his favorite places to go as he loves to learn. He is excited for Kindergarten in the fall. He also loves loves loves sports. He can't wait for T-ball and soccer to start. All day long, he is either throwing his football around or shooting his basketball. He will watch any sporting event, even if it's on ESPN Classic from 30 years ago. He also takes after his dad in the running department. He is a pretty fast little guy. He has run in some 1K races and this summer, he is doing 2 kid's marathons where he runs 25 miles (a mile or so at a time) and then finishes the last 1.2 miles at the actual race.
Last night Kelly, Chris, and I were reminiscing about what we were doing 5 years ago as we were waiting for Caiden to come out - Kelly was only 14 then! I was drugged up pretty good and Caiden was not coming out! Finally, my 10 pound (ok, ok 9lb 13oz!) boy arrived shortly after 1am on April Fools Day morning. Everyone was excited - he was the first grandchild and nephew on both sides of the family so it was an exciting time.
Caiden has brought so much joy to our lives and I can't imagine life without him. Everyday he learns something new or figures something out on his own that just shocks us. He is growing up and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him!

Here is a slide show of his birthday party we had over the weekend. My dad and Lauren were both able to treck down to SD to celebrate with us so it was really fun. 20 of Caiden's friends came to his party to have some fun and eat some yummy cake and ice cream. Thanks everyone for making Caiden's birthday so much fun!


Mindy B said...

What a cutie... can you believe he is 5?!! Looks like he had a fun party! Happy Birthday Caiden!!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday! We love you!