Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chloe Loves Preschool!!

What a big girl!

Waving Goodbye to Me and Caiden

Reading a book at Preschool

Today was Chloe's first day of preschool and she loved it! We had been practicing "going" to preschool so she was prepared and it was very easy morning! I had to wake her up of course and she isn't the happiest morning person, but she remembered that she was going to school today, so it wasn't so much of a fight. She got all ready, we took some pictures, and then she immediately started asking Chris when they could go. Finally it was time to go and she got out the door as fast as she could! Chris took her there and got her all settled with her school supplies and told her that he was going to work, gave her a kiss and a hug, and she went right with her teacher, Ms. Rebecca, and didn't look back! If you know Chloe at all, you are shocked by this too! Chloe does not just let Chris or I leave her without some kind of crying or hanging on to us for dear life. But I think by talking about it all summer and practicing it the past few days, she was really ready and excited to go. When I picked her up, I asked her teacher how it went and she said that she did get sad for a brief minute, but they talked about how much fun they were going to have at preschool and then I was going to come and pick her up and that was all it took for her to perk back up and have fun. When I asked her if she was ready to go home, she said, "No, I want to stay here." So, I guess that's a pretty good sign! She has been talking about it all day and can't tell us enough how much fun preschool is. I am so glad she surprised us all and didn't cry the entire 2 and half hours like we thought she would! And she wants to go back too! She is growing up so fast!


Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.

Amber said...

YAY for Chloe! I'm so proud of you big girl!

sharon said...

Gramma Sharon got tears in her eyes when I seen your pictures and read about what a big girl Chloe is. You go girl