Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dublin Dash 5K

Today was the Dublin Dash 5K and my March race (I'm running at least 1 race every month this year). Before the race started, I began hearing about "the hill." Well, I heard about a similar hill at my first 10K last year and although it was tough, I got up it pretty quickly and it didn't take too much time off of my race. Not this time though. This thing was steep and it seemed to last forever. I started running up it....and then jogging...and then fast walking....and then just walking. On a positive note, I did notice that everyone around me was doing the same thing! So, after that, we did go down the hill and then up another pretty little hill and then cruised down to the finish. But "the hill" took a lot out of me and my legs were pretty tired afterwards. So, I had a MUCH slower time than normal - 32:42 (my PR is 27:31), but I imagine that every one's times were slower than they usually are too. And it was a really fun race. The School of Mines puts it on right after St. Patrick's Day so there are a lot of fun people, a costume contest, a cool T-shirt, a pub afterwards, and door prizes. I did not win anything (again!) so the streak of not winning continues. But this is a race that I will definitely do again!

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